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Ah, the dreams of running your own business.

High flying over the ocean on your way to Europe, sitting in first class, having a drink and contemplating your next move.

The reality for most of us is quite different. 

Being an entrepreneur is tough. 

You'll lose more than you win so you have to be resilient, and that takes a developed mindset.

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Only now can I look back and feel fortunate for having it rough when I was younger. Moving away from home at a young age developed a persistent strength in me.

The "never quit" mindset had to be adopted.

I now use this mindset everyday in various businesses both online and brick and mortar. 

What I have learned is that creating and operating a business is not the hard part.

Learning to live a life full of love and learning, connection, and family, health and adventure, while running businesses is the tricky part that I hope to master one day.

How are you doing with that?

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